PRE ORDER - Joyless Division T-Shirt - Your Favorite Band Sucks

Joyless Division T-Shirt

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Very important that everyone knows you have the best taste in music. 

Wear this to the next hipster hangout and send us pics of the response. 

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Jon Nassar
A gag gift? Or lame gift?

It was like a lightbulb popped when seeing this shirt in your store. My sister in law would be familiar. She likes music, she’s artsy, her time period 80s 90s. Either she’ll laugh(her kids did!) or wonder why I was so cheap! I think she’ll sport it next time cause it looks cool!

Nathan Martin
Joy Addition

Super stoked for this joyless addition to my tshirt collection. I'm gunna tie dye it just to add injury to the insult. Also thanks for the extra buttons, and all the hilariously informative episodes. I keep the ticketmaster episode downloaded for reference.
-great job!

Sandra Monk
Joyless Division

I love this shirt. It's among the first I wear out of the wash. I used to have to make excuses to not play JD when I had a radio show, but no more, because they suck. Thanks, guys!

Katrina Hunt
Cool 😎 shirt and podcast

I bought this shirt as a gift for my son who loves your podcast and I’m sure he’ll love the shirt. He introduced me to the podcast as well. As a lifelong music lover (I’m 64), I enjoy listening to your witty banter and insights. Although I must admit, when you’re trashing one of my favorite bands, it hurts! 🙂

Leevus Alone
I got what you were selling...

Potential for being sued ignored, this shirt would be so much better if it did say



I had to buy a white one because that's all that was available. Maybe I'll smear it in sooky piss stains so I look like a real fan.