It was like a lightbulb popped when seeing this shirt in your store. My sister in law would be familiar. She likes music, she’s artsy, her time period 80s 90s. Either she’ll laugh(her kids did!) or wonder why I was so cheap! I think she’ll sport it next time cause it looks cool!
Bought this shirt for my husband, who tells me all about this podcast and y’all’s hot takes 🤣 he loves the shirt, and it’s very comfy. It’s super dope, thanks!
Super stoked for this joyless addition to my tshirt collection. I'm gunna tie dye it just to add injury to the insult. Also thanks for the extra buttons, and all the hilariously informative episodes. I keep the ticketmaster episode downloaded for reference.
-great job!
I love this shirt. It's among the first I wear out of the wash. I used to have to make excuses to not play JD when I had a radio show, but no more, because they suck. Thanks, guys!
-I assume. I didn’t actually get it bc my mail carrier brought it to the wrong apartment so I’m just going off my imagination here and yeah these stickers and magnet rule so much.